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Egypt - Christian Girl Thrown from Building

File Photo provided by: Tundra Tabloids

Muslims Attack Christians, Burn Their Homes and Throw a Young Christian Girl Off a Building.

In other words, Muslims Just Being Muslims.

by, KGS | Tundra Tabloids

Muslim residents of a village in southern Minya province attacked Christian homes, burning 10 houses and wounding 15 Christians, including a 15 year-old girl thrown from the third floor of a building, according to Ezzat Ibrahim, an activist who monitors minority rights.
Ibrahim said the attack was instigated by rumors of a love affair between a local Christian man and a Muslim woman – a factor that can often spark sectarian clashes.


source(‘s):  http://tundratabloids.com/2013/11/egyptian-muslim-mobs-attack-christian-homes-toss-15-yr-old-out-of-3rd-story-window.html




Tag(s) : #Massacres des Chrétiens
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